The best Drinking Water by using reverse osmosis
Reverse Osmosis
5 stage RO filtration systems for drinking water
AquaTek Pro Line 5 Stage R/O filtration systems for municipal water and well water supplies
The contaminant reduction process: Reverse Osmosis membrane separation, activated carbon chemical absorption, and conventional sediment filtration.
Many people don’t realize, municipal water contains some quanity of contaminants. Lab tests have shown a variety of contaminants in municipal water and not everyone's water is the same. Most people think, everyone's water quality coming from a county or city water supply is the same but, this is not true. Many things effect the water quality from location to location and house to house including, how far your location is from the origination point of the water plant.
The pipes that deliver the water to your house or business have the biggest impact on what the water will be like, when it comes out of your faucet. If the under ground water pipes in your area are corroding your water will not be as nice, as the people who have new water pipes. The distance the water has to travel from the water plant, to your home or business is also, a factor. Cracks or holes in pipes can also be a problem until, the problem becomes big enough to be noticed such as a main break.
Reverse osmosis systems are different for city water and well water. Since, RO membranes operate better at water pressures near 75psi, we offer two systems; one for city water and one for well water. Generally, well water runs to a home at 50 – 55 psi max and some, are up to 65 psi. If your home has low water pressure we recommend a pump driven RO system which, will drive water through the membrane at 75 psi. If you have great water pressure in your home, then, a regular RO system without a pump, will work fine.

Our AquaTek Pro line reverse osmosis systems come with:
A complete 5 stage RO system
A 3.25 capacity pressure tank to hold your clean water
A chrome faucet
Our pro line R/O systems remove contaminants!
Contaminants removed by high grade GE Filmtec membranes: barium, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury; radium 226 / 228, selenium, cysts, chlorine, salts, turbidity and more!
If we install - system installation includes: Installation of faucet, filters, 3.25 gallon pressure tank, and installation kit with the purchase of the RO system.
Installation kit contents: drain saddle, filter wrench, 3/8″ cold line adapter, 3/8″ tank valve, pressure tank, tubing and Teflon tape
Filter/membrane replacement: Primary filters should be replaced every 6 months to 1 year depending on the quality of your water entering the RO system. The GE Filmtec reverse osmosis membrane should be replaced every three – five years, depending on the quality of your water entering the RO system. Membrane life can be monitored using an inexpensive TDS meter. Since, the price of RO systems have come down so much over the last 10 years, we recommend replacing the entire unit, when the membrane is exhausted.
For more information about filtering water, see the Final Barrier Brochure from the Water Quality Association.

NSF and ANSI 42 certified
If you're tired of lugging water from the store and are sick of spending all that money for bottled water, a reverse osmosis filtration system can filter your county or city water for pennies a day.
Connection Type: John Guess Fittings
Filter Type: Drop-in Cartridge 2.5″ X 10″
Feed Port: 1/4″
Tank Connection: 3/8″
Faucet Connection: 3/8″
Effluent Out: 1/4″
Carbon Prefilter: 5 micron
Carbon Post Filter: 5 micron
Membrane: 1 every 3-5 years
Storage Tank: 3.25 Gallons
Faucet: Standard Faucet
Feed Supply Adapter
Drain saddle
***NOTE*** - Filter stack out is different between city water and well water. Let us know if you want an RO system for city water or well water and we will know what system and filter stack to recommend.
Our reverse osmosis systems are ship-able.
Call us for pricing and shipping information for all RO systems.

Call today for pricing!
The photo below of two filters, shows the difference between a new filter (left) and a used filter (right) that had been in service for 30 days, in the south part of Indian River County, Florida.

5 stage RO system for municipal water without pump (above)

5 stage, pump driven and computerized RO system installed (above)

The chrome faucet is included at no charge. Other faucets are considered custom faucets and have addition prices and are not included in the system price.

RO faucets come in a veriaty of styles and finishes.

Custom finishes are special order.