Water softener and carbon filter whole house filter sales and specials
Water softener and carbon filter whole house filter sales and specials
Water softener sale event happening now!!!
Water softener prices are down right now. This is a great time to take advantage of the low prices!
Save $200.00 or more now on whole house filtration!

Old water softener on the left - New water softener on the right - Same price!
With AquaTek Pro Water Purification Company
You always get more!
The price of carbon has gone up but, we are not raising our prices!
We have not raised our prices on our chemical filter systems in over 5 years, even though, the price of chemical removing carbon has gone up! If you want to save a lot of money on a whole house water purification system, now is the time. We are always matching manufacture rebates on whole house systems; dollar for dollar! Now is the time to take advantage of this great offer!
If you are tired of the chlorine and ammonia in your water, we can eliminate it! If you are tired of the spotting from hard water on your dishes and in your showers, we can eliminate it! Don’t let this opportunity to save money, pass you by again this year!
What’s in your water?

Look how dirty the filter is on the right. This is municipal water and the filter is only 30 days old. Many people think there is nothing wrong with their city water and are drinking it. We don’t drink municipal water that has not been filtered! Water is H2O and should not contain any other element like what is coating the filter on the right.
Get your water tested regularly or test it yourself. Water testing kits are inexpensive and will tell you a lot about what is in your water. We can test your water if, you are not able to. Give us a call anytime to find out more about our water testing services or check out our water testing services page.