Water testing services for lab testing and bacteria testing
Water Testing
Water testing services for the following counties
Indian River County
Brevard County
Okeechobee County
Okeechobee County
Martin County

We offer several different water tests, depending on your needs.
Regular on site, system evaluation water test
Detailed chemical contamination water test
Bacterial water test
Regular on site water testing
Regular on site water testing is done to determine what size system you may need and if you already have a system, this water test can determine if your filtration system is malfunctioning or simply needs adjustment.
If you need a filtration system such as a water softener, an on site water test will determine the proper sized unit you need so, you are not using a lot of salt for frequent regeneration’s. A properly sized water softener should use no more than 1 to 1 1/2 bags of salt per month. Lead time for test results: 0
Detailed chemical contamination water testing
A detailed chemical contamination water test, is a test that is sent out to a lab that, will conduct water testing on the water sample sent to them using a plasma spectrum analyzer.

The plasma analyzer is the absolute best way to determine exactly what contaminates are in a water sample and will measure the contaminant content down to parts per billion. Lead time for test results: 7-10 days average
Bacterial water testing
Bacterial water testing is generally conducted on water which, comes from a public or private well. Bacteria can find it’s way into a well and water filtration system in a number of ways. Bacteria testing checks for total Coliform bacteria and E-Coli bacteria. Escherichia coli (E. coli), is a rod-shaped member of the total coliforms group.

E. Coli Bacteria, Sem Photograph credit: Steve Gschmeissner
E. coli bacteria are almost exclusively of fecal origin and their presence is thus an effective confirmation of fecal contamination. A water well, confirmed to be contaminated with coliform bacteria should be sterilized to kill the bacteria.
A water sample is drawn and delivered to a certified testing laboratory. The sample must incubate for a period of 24 hours minimum. Lead time for test results: 2-3 days.
FHA, VA, or other government insured loans
If you are considering applying for an FHA, VA or other government insured loan, You will more than likely be asked to have a complete water test done especially, if the water source for the home or business is from a well. This has become a requirement before you will be approved for the loan you are applying for.
The water test is generally one of the last items on the list of requirements for loan approval and if not done in a timely manner can hold up the approval process. It is best to do the test as soon as possible so, you don’t run into any problems with your loan request. If the well test comes back positive for coliform bacteria, the well will need to be sanitized by opening the well, sanitizing it with chlorine for 24 hours, then, pumped out and retested to prove the coliform bacteria has been eliminated. This sanitizing process can extend your FHA or VA loan approval process up to 5 days or more.
Water tests required for loan approval include all of the water tests listed above. If you are required to sanitize the well and retest, before approval, your loan approval can be pushed back quite a while. So, get it done as soon as possible.

If you should need to have your well tested or sanitized, we are Florida approved to test and sanitized water wells.
Call us at: 772-538-0284