Do saltless water softeners work? - AquaTek Pro

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Do saltless water softeners work?

I have heard a lot of advertising about saltless water softeners but none of the well known, established companies seem to promote them, why?

Salt-less water softeners have not been scientifically proven  or certified by an accredited third party. Simply put, they do not work in most situations, certainly not for well water. We will not carry or sell any salt-less water softener, until it is proven to work, made in the USA and certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA).

What we do know about these so called, salt-less water softeners:

We remove a lot of them from homes and take them to the dump.

We have encountered several instances where, the pipes leading to the home have had scale buildup on the insides of the pipes. In one case, the plumbing had become so clogged with scale, the entire home had to be replumbed at a cost of over $35,000.00 according to that home owner.

Scale buildup in a pipe.
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